DFBS also offers a range of other services including a variety of training sessions for organisations and businesses looking to gain a complete understanding about how they can engage and involve Deaf people with their organisation.

Below you’ll find some of the courses on offer in addition to our offering of completely bespoke BSL training tailored to your organisation.

If you’d like to know more about any of the training sessions below or would like to book one for your company/organisation, please send us an email or use the contact form and we’ll send you more details.

A BSL taster session

If you’re not sure about committing to a full sign language course; this session is ideal as an introduction to British Sign Language for up to 16 learners. (Min 4 learners)

Deaf Awareness training

If you’d like to know more about your deaf visitors or customers then this is ideally suited to you. You’ll learn about the difference between deaf, deafened, Deaf and Hard of hearing and the many cultural differences within the Deaf Community.

Communicating with Deaf customers

This course is all about communication skills and how you can use natural gestures to communicate effectively with your deaf signing customers and clients. It will include top tips for easy and effective communication. (Max of 30 learners)

How to book and work with an interpreter

This session will provide you with an understanding of what an interpreter is and does. How you go about booking one and the most effective ways of working with them. (Max of 12 learners)

Clear Communication

This course gives a broader view of communication with different types of deaf people, which includes sign language users and those that are Hard of Hearing. (Max of 12 learners)

Improving access at work

This training can be carried out either on a one-to-one basis with a Deaf staff member or as a workshop for a team working with a deaf colleague. Popular with Public Services who have a duty of care for their staff, it will provide advice and guidance on improving communication and access between deaf and hearing staff working together.

‘Professional Language Services’; What’s available & who are they?

If you’re not sure about what services are available for deaf customers and/or colleagues, then this session is ideal. It will provide information and tips about the range of services available. (Max of 16 learners)

Getting it right

DFBS is also able to work with you on any specific issues that you’ve already faced or think you may soon encounter. We are able to provide the necessary support and advice to provide flawless access for your clients, customers and your own staff. We completely tailor the service to your needs and offer research and reports into your organisation or company to assist with identifying issues.