The best news in the world is that a BSL GCSE will be available on the national curriculum in Wales from September 2027. Will children be interested in learning BSL? Well we’ll just have to wait and see, but from the involvement we have had with schools and the Welsh Government, all the signs are positive. “I couldn’t be more excited about it”, Sarah Lawrence told us, “I’m imagining a Wales when I’m an old lady where I can walk into a shop, a cafe, a restaurant, the doctor’s surgery, anywhere really, and I’ll be met by someone working there who can sign with me. What a game changer that will be.”

Since the decision to introduce the BSL (Wales) GCSE, we have been developing programmes of BSL suitable for children in Year 1 upwards to start to learn BSL from scratch. We have been delighted by the interest from some schools, and have been delivering what is called Progression Step 1 in schools since the start of September. In some schools, BSL has been offered to a single class, and in others, BSL has been offered to every child, giving those children the opportunity to be ready to start their GCSE when they join Year 10 or 11. “The response from the schools aware that a GCSE is being introduced in 2027 has been amazing,” said Sarah, “The work we have done on the Progression Step curriculum has proved hugely beneficial and the feedback we have had from the children and the staff has been amazing.”

Through the courses already run, the curriculum being delivered by Deaf Friendly Limited has been proven to be right on the money, with children enjoying signed conversations within hours of starting to learn. The curriculum design focuses on linguistically perfect BSL, BSL sign order and the precision needed to sign well. “The children have just lapped it up”, said Sarah, “With adults, we expect a learning rate of 12 – 15 signs an hours, with the children it tends to be between 100 – 150. The excitement, the signing rigour, and the enthusiasm of these children has just blown me away. I cannot wait to see what happens when the GCSE is available.”

If you or your school are interested in accessing BSL tuition form our team of experts, just email