
BSL Courses Cardiff/Wales

Are you looking for a BSL course in Wales?

Our new Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 courses will be starting in September 2024.

Level 1 Course £404 (including exam fees)

Following a pilot course last year, with children as young as 8 learning BSL alongside a parents, we also have a Level 1 family course this year.

Level 2 Course £787 (including exam fees)

Our prices are the most competitive in Wales.

A range of classes are available, face to face, live online or through a pre-recorded distance learning course.

Interested or want to know more, email

By |2024-06-23T10:59:54+01:00April 27th, 2023|

Deaf Friendly Limited Acquires SLFirst Deaf Magazine

On April 1st, 2023 Deaf Friendly Limited acquired the SLFirst online Deaf Magazine.  Whilst still read by people from all over the world, the SLFirst magazine had been inactive for some years. The magazine is now called Deaf Friendly Magazine.  It will remain as a FREE to access magazine, and will continue to share information and stories linked to deaf life, sport, entertainment and education.  As most of the services Deaf Friendly Limited offers are linked to adult and child education, the education section of the magazine will be the most active section of the magazine.

Published articles will remain of interest to deaf and hard of hearing readers, parents and guardians of deaf children, educators and employers of deaf people.

Commenting on the acquisition, Cardiff based Deaf Friendly Limited owner and Director Sarah Lawrence said, “The SLFirst Magazine became popular across the world in a matter of months, and it is of great sadness that insufficient time meant that nothing was published for some time.  With Deaf Friendly Limited now taking over the magazine, we hope to keep anyone interested in deafness updated with the latest and most important information, with short, sharp and focused articles.  SLFirst remains the only magazine in the world that is both written and signed, and under the new title, Deaf Friendly Magazine, we intend to continue that tradition, enabling language equality by interested parties.”

By |2023-04-23T21:48:02+01:00April 1st, 2023|

Deaf Friendly Director Sarah Lawrence meets the minister.


Sign Language Week is celebrated in March every year to acknowledge the formal recognition of BSL by the UK Government on the 18th March 2003 as a minority language of the United Kingdom.  This year, we were delighted to receive an invitation from the Welsh Government’s Education Minister to celebrate Sign Language Week by teaching the Minister some British Sign Language, or some Welsh Regional BSL to be accurate.

Jeremy Miles MS, the Education Minister was warm, embracing and determined in his learning, respecting the level of precision needed to use BSL well. “I found it quite a joyous experience,” Sarah Lawrence signed, “and the respect given to me by the Education Minister was top level, which can be quite a rare experience.”

Short videos of the Minister signing were promoted across social media platforms, receiving widespread appreciation from the Deaf signing community from across Wales.

By |2023-04-23T21:50:22+01:00March 31st, 2023|
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